Monday, September 6, 2010


It’s like the darkness before dawn
It’s like the labor before the birth
The same blood flows through our veins
The same spirit will burn through our heart
Falling introduce us to rising
Failing make us understand success
So cry till you could sob no more
Scream until your lungs give out
Remember this period of agony and pain
Revive today’s suffering and ache
Weep your last tears of sorrow
We’ll celebrate your glory tomorrow
For tomorrow comes a brand new day
From tomorrow comes a new phase

oleh :: maha 
lagu tema:: moving sidewalk oleh wrd
buku rujukan:: tuesdays with morrie
lokasi:: tingkat 2 pusat pengajian sains sekitaran dan sumber alam
sinopsis:: bukan tugas kita nk balas ke-terukan org terhadap kita..itu semua biar Tuhan saja yg balas..

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