When tears are hard to keep, They'll slowly flow like a river, To form an ocean wide and serene, Endless in a vast space of time, The feeling of stillness forms, And there you'll find the ART, Hidden amongst the tears, Tears that are hard to keep. When laughters are hard to share, It poison the body with a void, To weaken the strongest part ever, And make it soft and slow, Beating like the wings of an eagle, There you'll see the pain, of when a laughter is not shared, together with a love one or more. When anger can not be contain, It erupts like a volcano, To burn many that stood near and far, Covering everything thick with hate, But when that hate breaks away, Regret lingers in the air, foul and unseen, Only to leave a stronger LOVE, under the layers of a volcano, After the anger subsides. oleh :: Rabbit_Miza |
no wonder mcm familiar je pic tu...hikhik...
hehe..dia sgt pandai melukis n menulis kan..sgt jeles :)
ha ah...jeles gak....
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